Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't know that I'll be having lunch THERE again...

The weather was BEAUTIFUL yesterday, so after church we went out to lunch. As we were leaving, I was carrying my purse in one hand and holding one of my sons' hands...and Anna was holding onto my knit-fabric pants as we walked through the parking lot...and the next thing I knew she'd tripped and fallen. PULLING MY PANTS DOWN WITH HER.

I really, really hope that people enjoyed my shockingly-white upper legs. And my ratty old undies too. It was quite a show. With a five-year-old's screaming to attract peoples' attention.

Good thing I don't take myself too seriously! I just hiked up my pants, held my head high, and beat a hasty retreat to the car.


Valerie said...

I am so sorry to tell you that this post made me LAUGH SO HARD OUT LOUD. But laughing in a "join-you-because-I-have-so-been-there-with-a-child-embarrassing-me-type-way", of course. But oh man, your story is a classic. Way to go on holding your head up high and moving on. :)

The Hattons... said...

I didn't laugh out loud as my son would have wanted to know, and if I told him I'd have to explain, planting a wonderful idea in his head!

Thanks for sharing. Brought a much needed smile to my face. :)

JaneeNoel said...

My SIL had the same thing happen to her once. . . only she was 7 months pregnant, wearing thong undies, and in the middle of a crosswalk (with cars stopped waiting for her) carrying a large box of dishes. So she had to bend over and set the dishes down first before she could do anything about it. The family has decided to be kind to her and not bring it up at every family gathering (as most funny family stories are).

Brianna Heldt said...

ha janee that is hilARious!!!

Jeannett said...

Ok, that made my day! I suppose that you wearing ratty undies is probably better than if you were wearing thongs or something, right? It makes me happy to hear that Denver is bringing out the wild side in you Brianna!

Rachel said...

This may have been the first time I laughed all day. You can ask anyone whose known me awhile, laughing at others expense is kinda my thing!

Brianna Heldt said...

ha jeannett YES, i MUCH preferred my ratty undies to a thong in that situation, heehee!!!!! and yeah, since moving here i've apparently become an exhibitionist!

rachel i too enjoy laughing at others' expense. kevin's not a fan, but i swear i can't help it!

Tricia said...

That could so happen to me. We play who can hold onto Mommy's belt loops the longest while walking through the parking lot. I will be sure to stick to jeans that are hopefully tight enough to stay up. Thanks for the laugh.

Sugar Plum Invitations said...

Wow, quite a show.. sounds like you'd fit in well in Boulder:) Way to hold your head up high.. love it! b

Kristen Borland said...

oh my, brianna! i always knew you were such a hoochie.


i think this could only happen to YOU!

Anonymous said...

at least you had full undies on... if that had happened to me it would have been x rated, haha.

anyway, long time reader, but i don't think i've commented before; this was too good to pass up!

Rachel said...

I agree, it's not like I WANT to laugh at others misfortune. We are not alone in this, they have whole TV shows devoted to this art.

Luke Holzmann said...

Cracked me up [smile].

Children keep us humble, yes?


Stacey said...

Is it wrong that your post cracked me up?!?! OMGoodness, I'm glad you held you head up high and kept going...what else could you do! Kids really make sure we NEVER have a dull life.

stephaniejwood said...

I like you even better now.

Brianna Heldt said...

ha! i am glad my story has made people laugh. it was hilarious at the time too...sort of. :)

and YES, kids keep us so humble!!!

Brandi said...

Love that this is the day that Amy B puts a link to your blog! I about died reading that as your first story! I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to add you to my google reader now. . thanks for the laugh!

too funny

Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! i don't know if i can sleep now... that is SO FUNNY!!
So glad you are laughing, too! :)

this is us said...

Oh yes - LAUGHING OUT LOUD. At least you didn't go out to eat WITH friends!!!!

Owlhaven said...

That happened to me once. Except I did it to myself when I knelt down (stepping on my skirt unknowingly) and then stood up. Yikes. I didn't even have a kid to blame!


joy said...

ha ha ha! that's quite the picture, brianna. and i have to agree about the thong undies vs. ratty undies.

graceling said...

This has happened to me. Except it was a skirt and Abigail was a bit younger.

Now I do not wear elastic-waist items in public unless very well-clad under them. Ever.


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