So I just wrote a really whiny blogpost about how frustrated I am that our adoption is, yet again, stalled.
This time on account of yet another document the Ethiopian government has decided they want to see.
This in spite of the fact that the paperwork is complete, their birthmothers appeared in court stating they want the girls adopted, and of course the fact that we already travelled for court and had the judge tell us it all looked good.
Deep breath.
But, I'm not gonna post it. Because I HATE whining and you probably do too. So I'll spare us all and keep that post safely tucked away in "drafts". :)
Instead I will simply share that this process has been incredibly difficult. It is hard waiting for our sweet little ones to come home, especially now that we've met them and hugged them and told them that we're their new mommy and daddy. So many ups and downs along the way and still no end in sight. The not knowing is the most difficult part, I think.
The thing is, I'm just so very anxious to be mama to two new beautiful daughters. Our family is so blessed to KNOW these girls, much less have them in our home. I'm so looking forward to making up their beds, filling a dresser and closet with their clothes, and setting them a place at our table. (Nesting, anyone?) But I'm waiting. Because I have no clue how long it will be at this point, and I'm a little bit fed up with the whole thing.
I do find myself increasingly grateful that our girls found their way to the transition home of an adoption agency that works hard to find families for harder-to-place children. That they are not sitting and sitting in a facility where no one will come for them, or a place where they might have faced severe neglect and abuse on account of the fact that they were born with Down syndrome.
And when I look at the above photo my husband took at Layla House, it reminds me that in the meantime, while we all wait, Jesus is there. Jesus is looking after my girls and Jesus is just as anxious as we are to have them home and in a family. God is near to the oppressed, and the orphan, and while there will always be earthly broken systems, political corruption, and hurting people, God remains good. And, like it says, Jesus is love.
So that is the latest. More waiting, and more anxious by the moment to bring our sweet girls home.