And it was quite probably the most beautiful (and long!) service I've been a part of. At 3+ hours (!), it began at 8 pm outdoors in front of a huge fire, which was blessed by the priest and used to light the Paschal Candle. We then all processed into the Church where there was liturgy and readings and bells and baptisms and people being received into the Church--and of course the blessed Eucharist.
Afterwards, there was a huge celebration with wine and dinner and lots of desserts. We Catholics do a lot of feasting and celebrating, I have discovered. Hence the not getting home until 1:30 am.
The vigil was meaningful for many reasons, but one of the biggest was seeing a (formerly Protestant, like me!) dear friend enter the Catholic Church. I had the incredible honor of being her confirmation sponsor and so got to stand up with her. How blessed am I? God took each of us on a randomly similar journey, and what a profound joy to see it all culminate in this way. When I take a step back and think about it, I'm kind of blown away by God's faithfulness and by the fact that He brought both of us to this place.
Then yesterday we hosted my parents for Easter dinner and just enjoyed some good quality family time--trampoline, Wii, laughing, and eating way too many sweets. And of course reflecting on the fact that Jesus conquered death!
I am really hoping to embrace and be present in this Easter season. During the vigil (which includes lots of readings from Scripture), we sing the Gloria as we transition from Old Testament to New Testament readings. Bells were ringing like crazy, and person after person came quickly up the aisle preparing the formerly-bare altar: placing flowers around it, lighting was so beautiful and exciting and such an incredible picture of what Jesus' life, death, and resurrection mean. I had tears in my eyes as I took it all in.
My 8-year-old daughter summed it up well when she told me yesterday that she cannot WAIT for next year's vigil, that it was her favorite service so far. The girl loved it, and I did too--so absolutely worth the effort of keeping my seven kids in line and somewhat quiet for over three hours. :) In all seriousness, try to go next year, and find a parish that does the vigil in full (as opposed to a truncated version.) Protestant or agnostic or Catholic, you won't be sorry.
He is risen, and we are glad! Happy Easter, friends!