1.) There are a few books I'm dying to read, but the normally-wonderful Denver Public Library system has temporarily stopped doing holds (!) because they're figuring out their new system or something...hurry up DPL! (We only have a week or so left I think. Thank goodness!) Oh and in case you were wondering which books I'm interested in reading, they are: anything by Francis Beckwith (Return to Rome, Politics for Christians, and Defending Life are but a few); Light of the World, essentially an interview with Pope Benedict XVI; Unplanned by Abby Johnson; and Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts: Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. So, Denver Public Library, please get back on track soon. Time's a wastin'! (Just on the off-chance that a publisher or author of any of the afore-mentioned books is reading this, please feel free to send me a free copy to review here. I'll say something good about your book. Promise.)
2.) I've been trying to get some things organized around here. I LOVE having a system for everything, and I find it a bit essential with five children. But it's hard to set up said systems, and even HARDER to KEEP them up. But yesterday while the big kids were at their homeschool program, I was able to tackle our game shelf, and then last night I did our hall closet. (These may sound like baby steps, but I feel a HUGE sense of accomplishment, and as if a weight has been lifted off.) I'm hoping to do some more today, too. My kitchen cupboards could use an overhaul, the storage area of our basement is completely disastrous, and the bathroom drawers need to be gone through too. Mary's closet is in desperate need of attention. And of course our garage is a giant mess. No shortage of things to do, that's for sure! But the payoff is SO worth it!
3.) This weekend and next week are going to be insanely fun and busy. Eek! I have something all day tomorrow, we have a friend's 40th birthday party tomorrow night, Sunday afternoon some dear friends are coming over, and Tuesday my sister-in-law is coming to stay. Lots of good things, but my mind is swimming. And I need to go grocery shopping. Bad.
4.) My all-day thing tomorrow is a local conference. The main speaker is an author I've read, Kimberly Hahn. She wrote a great book on homeschooling, and before that wrote some things about marriage and children that helped us process our thoughts once-upon-a-time. (As in, two years ago or so. But it FEELS like it was once-upon-a-time.) We've also read various books by her husband Scott Hahn. (He won't be there though. Bummer, because he gets SO fired up about things and I think he'd be interesting to listen to/see.) ANYway, I'm looking forward to seeing Kimberly and hearing what she has to say.
5.) So here's the deal about said conference: I'm going alone. As in, by myself. As in, I won't know a soul there, except for Kimberly Hahn, but we've never actually met and something tells me she won't want to hang out with me all day. (Kimberly, if you're reading this, PLEASE be my friend!) I have NO clue how this is going to turn out. It could be totally awkward (think me wandering around aimlessly at lunchtime, eventually settling at an empty table where I proceed to eat, while avoiding any sort of eye contact with all of the socially comfortable people eating and talking together at the other tables). OR it could be (and this is what I'm hoping for) totally fabulous. I could meet other moms, possibly moms to many, who are on the same journey as me. And who are friendly. That would be nice.
6.) Part of me (yes, I'm still prattling on about the conference) is actually really excited to get out for a day alone, sans kids, to go listen and learn and reflect and maybe meet some new people. The other part of me is shaking in my proverbial boots. Let's hope I make it out the door. Without puking.
7.) I'm STILL trying to get my act together in the meal planning department. Why is this so overwhelming for me? Don't get me wrong, I cook meals for our family, but I just can't seem to sit down and PLAN. But I should. Maybe someday? Is there any sort of tool (online, or that you can buy) that is helpful for you?
****Do your own 7 Quick Takes, and link to Conversion Diary!