We're all unpacked, which is great, but I've got a huge load of laundry to fold and put away yet, and I still need to pack up all of our Christmas stuff. That's tomorrow's job I guess. My living room is such a mess right now, with piles of Christmas decorations that need to be stored. Ugh.
Meanwhile, I've been trying to hit up the after-Christmas clearance sales. I don't have much in the way of Christmas decor and it is SO CHEAP right now at Target and Walmart (if it hasn't been cleared out yet.) I've scored some fun stuff and I'm bummed I have to wait an entire year to use it! Anyway, that means even more things to find a place for in our garage. Yeah, tomorrow is not going to be so fun. :)
I'm trying to let stuff go and be relaxed about getting everything back in order, but that's a double-edged sword because I hate having an untidy home. It makes me crazy. And grouchy.
Today was a great day though (messy home be darned.) Kevin and I played Scrabble and Parcheesi in the morning (yes we are apparently ten years old), and then in the afternoon our family attended an Ethiopian Christmas celebration that a local Ethiopian church hosted for adoptive families with Ethiopian children. It was AMAZING. They put on a variety of games and activities, cooked and served the most FABULOUS feast for dinner, did the traditional coffee ceremony...so, so special. Denver has a sizable Ethiopian population, and a sizable number of adoptive families, but the two communities probably don't mix all that often. This church wants to change that, and we felt so loved and welcomed. What a wonderful opportunity. We fell in love with Ethiopian culture the moment we set foot in Ethiopia nearly five years ago, and I was reminded of that today.
And once Kevin is done watching the football games he taped on TV today (yes, taped--we don't have Tivo or any other such fancy gadgets), we are resuming our TV show that we are hooked on. It's the final season, people, and I have NO CLUE how it's all going to end! SO exciting! We spent all summer plowing through the seasons, staying up until 2 am because we could literally not.stop.watching. And now the final season is in from the library.
So all of this to say that I'm having a tough time getting back into a good routine (thus the non-blogging), but life is still pretty good all things considered. Cheap Christmas stuff, awesome Ethiopian Christmas celebration (I cannot fathom a better meal), and the final season of our show. Yay for the little things!