This photo appeared in the Denver Post today. (Taken by Leah Millis, special to The Denver Post. Gotta give credit to the photographer when I lift the picture, right?) Yes, that man is the shorts. I have actually seen people wearing shorts here in snowy weather more than a few times.
We are getting quite a bit of snow right now. So, so pretty (and it hides our yucky lawn!), but don't be fooled by the shorts-wearing man, it's COLD!
You can bet that I'm hunkered down in my house right now and that I won't be going an.y.where tomorrow. Kevin is currently reading Prince Caspian to the kids and, once they're in bed, we'll resume our TV show series finale viewing.
Anyway, I just had to share this photo with you. So, so funny. And truly a sight you will only see in Denver!