Sunday, December 02, 2007

World AIDS Day

Today, December 1st, was World AIDS Day. Yosef and Biniam's birthmother is HIV-positive and we sponsor two precious sisters at AHOPE who are also HIV-positive, ages 5 and 9. We got to spend a day with the girls (and many other children with HIV) when we went to Ethiopia. SO, AIDS is something that we think about often. Tonight at dinner we talked to the kids about how today is World AIDS Day, and Anna said our mealtime prayer and prayed a special prayer for Yosef and Biniam's "first mommy."

Here's an article that I'm sure I've posted before, written by a wonderful author and fellow adoptive mom of Ethiopian children from Layla House. Definitely worth the read!

What Will Become of Africa's AIDS Orphans?

And here's another one written by the head of World Vision. Good stuff.

Samaritans in the AIDS Crisis


Angel said...

There is a present for ya on my blog! Hugs, Angel

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this good reminder to help!


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