Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First attempt at ethnic cooking

So tonight I cooked my very first Ethiopian meal! I made Siga Wat and Yesinde Injera. I used Mary's recipe for the wat (thanks Mary!) and got the injera recipe from my Exotic Ethiopian Cooking cookbook. It was SO YUMMY and I'm thrilled I finally got to use the berbere I bought down in Little Ethiopia when we went last February. The injera made with self-rising wheat flour is not nearly as good as teff injera, but it was really easy to make, so it works. Yosef and Biniam finished theirs and Anna ate most of hers, so we'll call it a success! I'm so glad my kids (and husband) like spicy, ethnic foods!

Oh and I set the table with our Ethiopian tablecloth and we rocked out to an Ethiopian music CD. A good time was had by all.


Rachel said...

What a good mommy and wife you are. I am so proud of you for trying something new!

Owlhaven said...

I'm glad you liked the recipe!

Mary, mom to many, including 4 from Ethiopia

Anonymous said...

So cool! I remember growing up, my mom was always cooking foods from various countries and i think it really made me appreciate all the differences in food around the world. As an adult, i LOVE spicy stuff and have hardly met an ethnic food i don't like, so thanks mom :)

joy said...

sounds like a fun evening. i'd like to try some ethiopian food sometime. how did you get your kids to eat it?

Brianna Heldt said...

well joy, i never make anything seperate for the kids for dinner--they eat what we eat. they know they don't have to clean their plate or even eat any of it, but that's the only food until breakfast. soooo when we eat spicy things or new things they eat them too. (okay i realize this makes me seem like a mean mom, but i don't want my kids growing up only eating mac and cheese and chicken nuggets! and they pretty much like whatever we eat.)

unfortunately the closest ethiopian restuarants are in los angeles. bummer!

Jeannett said...

First of all, I am impressed! Secondly, I love that you make your kids eat whatever...I don't think that makes you a mean mom...it makes you a GOOD mom!

Jeannett said...

Oh yea, and where's that favorite things post?

Kristen Borland said...

mmmm.... :)


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