Friday, July 24, 2009

Go Ricki, go Ricki, go Ricki (does anyone else remember that show?)

Kevin and I watched a really neat documentary last night, The Business of Being Born. (Yes it's done by Ricki Lake, but it's good, I promise. :) ) Most of the general info I basically knew, but there were great interviews and if you're at all curious about maternal health in the US, it's worth watching.

I think our country really is in crisis when it comes to childbirth. No, I don't consider myself to be particularly granola, I've never used a midwife (though I might next time), and I really don't ever see myself having a homebirth. But the induction rates in this nation are ridICulous, and I think there are some major problems with the current system. And with the public, because ultimately it's up to women to be informed consumers, or at least as informed as they can be.

I'm really glad I saw the documentary because I'm starting to think about the birth more and it confirmed some thoughts I'd already been having. After the experience I've had so far this pregnancy (which has been completely healthy and normal even though they've tried to scare me THREE TIMES NOW about random stuff that turned out to be FINE), I'm actually thinking that the next baby I have, I would probably use a midwife at the hospital I'm delivering at (they have a midwifery practice there.) I didn't know about that until recently.

Anyway, I seriously cannot WAIT to have a little newborn again. We THINK we may have settled on a name, which we don't plan to share until the baby's born. (It's actually a name we've loved for years.) Yay for sweet little babies!!!!


Joanie said...

I agree about the induction rates. It's hard to convince a pregnant woman to wait until the baby's time (understandable), but there are so many reasons to wait.

Also very excited for you and holding your new little one!

Monica said...

A few months ago I rented the same documentary from the library. It was awesome!

Oh how I wish there was a midwife practice near me that did hospital births. My last two were delivered by a obgyn/midwife group who were very into natural birth practices and viewed birth that way (vs as a medical crisis).

I am bummed (and a little scared) because the two hospitals near me have an almost 25% c-section rate. That is just insane!

I really love midwives! Wish there were more of them!

YAY for having a name (sort of)!

P.S. Would you consider doing a post on how you chose curriculum for Anna?

I am Katy, said...

The movie was good. I thought it did a fair job of showing that both midwives and OBs have their place. (I thought going into it that it would be very one sided.) I don't think I'd ever choose a home birth for myself. I really liked both my experiences with birthing at the hospital under the care of a midwife though. And, I completely agree about the induction rates. It sure does seem like the more interventions you have, the more you end up needing too.

Ginger said...

Loved that movie! In fact it was what ultimately swayed us into having a homebirth with a wonderful midwife in attendance. Thank God we did too because the c-section rate in our small local hospital was 82% that month (its always shamefully high, but that was ridiculous!) and I have no doubt that they would never have let me labor the 33+ hard hours I did since that would not have fit their timeline (even though my baby was never in distress and was eventually delivered perfectly healthy).

Julie said...

Midwives are AWESOME! I went to one for my delivery and coming from the perspective of a labor nurse I think midwifery care is EXCELLENT! You should totally go with a midwife next time! It's not too late to switch with this pregnancy you know... ;)

Meg said...

I didn't use a midwife but had a doula and loved it- she was amazing and made for an amazing experience. I was 8 cent. when I walked in and labored the rest of the way with my husbands and her help....pushed for 3 hours with them- in the end though my boys were too big (9.2lbs) csection it was- but she and my doc respected my decision to make that a last resort- only when their heart rates dropped dramatically did we decide for a csection......highly recommend a doula!

Jenna Hoskinson said...

I LOVED that movie. So so good and informative. I plan on having a home birth w/a midwife with the next baby.

andy gibson said...

Where so I start....

it's not too late to use the midwives this time.....

Missy said...

Pardon me for barging in on your blog. But last time I was pregnant I had a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a baby, so I know a little of what you are going thru. And I hope it encourages you to know that after that pregnancy, having 3 little kids plus a newborn was a PIECE OF CAKE. To get some sleep and actually wake up refreshed, as opposed to just as exhausted as before, can do wonders for a woman. WONDERS. I'll take feeding a baby all night long over being pregnant with littles any day.

It'll get better soon. Hang in there!


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