Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mothers Day, crazy toddlers and neurotic parenting

Sunday was Kaitlyn's baby dedication at church. It was nice to have her prayed for and presented to the congregation. Kevin, me, and the three older kids (plus Kaitlyn of course) all stood up front as Pastor Tim prayed for her and we said we'd raise her to know the Lord, etc.

Anna, Yosef and Biniam all stood very still and quiet during our portion of the dedication. However, at some point during one of the other baby's dedications, they decided they'd had enough and that they wanted to explore the stage. Fortunately they weren't loud, just antsy and UNfortunately, we were outnumbered and poor Kevin was having to hold Kaitlyn too. So finally we just grabbed the kids and bolted for the door. I was SO embarrassed! But you can't yell, give a time-out, or any other form of discipline when you're up in front of a couple hundred people in church! And I think the kids knew this. Bummer. (Plus they were in "Grandma and Grandpa mode", as we'd been staying at their house, so they were tired and nutty.)

It's pretty crazy how you feel like at church everyone's constantly judging you, your kids and your parenting (and I'm sure some people are. But I wish they wouldn't). I remember Mary had a really great blogpost once about how she felt the pressure that anytime she was out, her kids were posterchildren for adoption. I feel that pressure too. Like if my kids aren't perfect, people won't want to adopt, or they'll think we have no business having so many kids so young. "They're going to think my kids are monsters. They'll think I'm a permissive parent. They'll think we're not raising them properly. They'll think we're bad Christians." YUCK! I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm not a perfect mom and my kids are not perfect kids! And at the end of the day, I think our little family is doing alright. My kids are generally polite, good natured, and sweet. They have their "toddler moments" and we do the best we can. We mess up all the time. Praise be to God that He loves me and my kids and you and your kids regardless of our mistakes!

Just another day in the life with a three year old, 2 two year olds, and a two month old I guess...


Anonymous said...

I feel all those eyes on us as well. Congratulations on the dedication. The pictures look great.

Larissa said...

Brianna, you guys have the sweetest family I've ever seen. I love seeing pictures of you all together.
Caedra is such an explorer I know she'll be doing the same thing when we're up there with a new brother or sister.
love you!

shell said...

i so agree with everything you posted. i dont have anything else to say because i agree so much.
heres to young moms with lots of kids!

Jeannett said...

So fun! I admit that I wasn't praying with all the other dedications, because I was chuckling to myself as I watched you with Anna on stage. My favorite was when you guys just bolted up the aisle and little Bin was sitting on the stage looking so confused because you were all leaving him! :)

Brianna Heldt said...

Shelley I am glad I'm not the only one feeling these ways!!!

Jeannett HA! I was so humiliated (and was praying so hard that Anna would stop saying "peepee" really loudly as we walked out) that I just assumed Kevin had the other kids! Poor Biniam! Ahhhhhhh, life with the Heldts.

Lisa Leonard said...

you mean, you're not perfect parents?! I'm not either. Phew, that feels bette. One day at a time, actually one moment at a time! :)

Anonymous said...

I gotta tell ya...I was relieved to see you all are a normal, typical family...or at least, yours is just like mine! And hey, Tim always says we're a family-friendly church- I feel like putting it to the test someday and letting Abby scream in service and NOT rush to the Cry Room! You all were beautiful and REAL, and I appreciate it.

Brianna Heldt said...

Oh boy, I'LL say we're typical! Life with three toddlers can be, uh, interesting. :) Funny thing is everyone else's kids seem so well behaved to me.

I'd like to see someone put the "family friendly" claim to the test also!! Penny I'm ALL for you doing your experiment with Abby. This Sunday perhaps? :)

Allison Brown said...

Wish I could've been there!


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