Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My littles

My three biggest kids will all be at their school-for-homeschooled-kids-program on Thursdays this year.

From 8:30 to 3:30. 

That means that I will have one full day per week with just my two youngest kiddos.

Lots of time with Kaitlyn Jane and Mary Lucille.


There will be ice cream cones.  Meeting Daddy for lunch.  Grabbing coffee with girlfriends.

Wintry days spent at home having tea parties and sipping hot chocolate with two of the sweetest little girls on the planet.

I'm excited.

(And yes, I'm wearing shorts in the above photo.  You just can't see them because of all the cuteness occupying my lap.  But they're there.  And I wanted to let you know, just in case you thought maybe I made a habit of going places without pants.)


zunzun said... never know what you'll forget to put on when leaving the house...umm...says the woman who left in her slippers the other day!;)

CrazyD said...

It sounds like those Thursdays will be a special time this year. Make the most of them! Every once in awhile the planets have aligned in our home for my wife to have time with just a couple of kids rather than the whole gang of seven. Those are times to be cherished.


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