Wednesday, June 22, 2011

9 years!

Us on the roof of our hotel, overlooking the entire city of Rome.  Love.

Today we celebrate nine years (!!!) of marriage.  (You can read all about our proposal here.)

Five children, one out-of-state move, and various assorted random adventures later, I can honestly say that I'm more in love with my husband than I was on June 22, 2002 (which at the time I didn't think possible), and that I've never, ever been more sure of something before, more sure that our decision to marry nine years ago was the right thing to do.

I can also honestly say that our marriage is stronger than ever.  We're closer than ever.  I see God's graces and love and blessings poured out upon us on a daily basis. 

We now believe marriage is a Sacrament and that God has called us to a life-giving, generous love.  The vocation of marriage is far more meaningful and far more beautiful than I could have imagined.  Difficult at times, yes--but an amazing picture of Christ and His Church, and an amazing crucible for growing in virtue and love. 

Kevin and I have, and always have had, a great time together.  We love talking together and laughing together.  We love just spending time at home or with friends, with our kiddos, hanging out.

When we first set out on this journey nine years ago today, at ages 20 and 21 respectively, we were younger than we are now, and had a lot to learn.  But some things we knew, and those things haven't changed.  Our relationship has matured and deepened, our faith has grown and shifted, and all of this happening side by side, together.  God has brought us so far from where we were back then, but He brought us BOTH along.  They say you change a lot in your twenties, and perhaps that is true.  But we changed together.

So happy anniversary to us!  Nine years may not be very long in the grand scheme of things, but it's been a great and busy nine years nonetheless.  I love being Kevin's wife, and I love being a mother and raising our children together.  I am blessed!


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