Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

When I got married at the ripe old age of 20 :) , I knew Kevin would be a good dad someday. (Maybe because in college, he was WAY better at doing childcare at church than me. As in, the kids actually LIKED him. And something tells me that his negligence did NOT lead to a 3 year old blind boy spilling his water all over his sandwich. Um, yeah, that would be me. That would also be me watching the clock, counting down the minutes until the moms would come pick up the kids.)

But nothing I could write here would really express how much I appreciate him and all he does. Parenting in our home is truly a partnership and he takes a lot of responsibility for raising our kids. He's tons of fun, so willing to go the extra mile to make things special for the kiddos, and an expert in the mundane--bedtimes, nail-clipping, diaper-changing, comforting, cleanup, etc.

I feel SO blessed that we're on the same page when it comes to parenting--whether it's discipline, our philosophy on family and kids in general, etc. Kevin shares my passion for adoption, is excited about's really remarkable to look back to the beginning of our marriage and see the journey God has taken us on. Neither of us got married thinking we'd adopt someday, or homeschool, or that we'd have a bigger-than-average family. They say you change a lot in your 20's, and we have--but we've changed together. God is good. And faithful.

Interestingly, our marriage has only grown stronger since having children. Life is busy and full, but we continue finding joy and love and laughter in the somewhat-organized chaos. I really don't know what I'd do without Kevin as my husband and the daddy to my kids!!! Happy Father's Day!


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