Friday, December 17, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday {#17}


Um, this is seriously the funniest thing I've seen in a VERY long time.  Seriously.SO.hilarious.  (I found it over at Rage Against the Minivan.  So Kristen, I will forever be indebted to you for sharing this with the rest of us.)  And I don't know WHO this guy is, but he's proud of his moves.  And my kids like to imitate him.  And maybe, just maybe, I will do my own version and post it here sometime.  If this doesn't make your day, I don't know what will.  Because how can you not love the Double Dream Hands?!  (And you can thank me in the form of Starbucks gift cards mailed to my house if you want.  Really.  Not too much to ask for making you laugh that hard on a Friday, right?)

2.)  It has been like pulling teeth lately to get my kids to pick up after themselves.  I am, as a result, losing my mind.  And, I just REFUSE to do it myself.  Re.fuse.  They are totally old enough to put some toys and clothes away.  Ugh. 

3.)  I was so proud of myself yesterday because I had my meal all prepped and ready to go for last night's dinner by 1:30 in the afternoon.  See, Thursdays are tricky because I pick up my big kids from school at 3:30, and with traffic I don't usually get home until 4:15 or so...and I'm usually at such a loss as to what to make for dinner.  But yesterday I assembled my meatloaf ahead of time so it was all ready to bake by the time I got home.  Then I made some mashed potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts to go with it--yum!  Yay for the feeling of accomplishment that comes with planning and executing a meal!  (Even something as simple as meatloaf.  Which, even though I could totally be a vegetarian, I find quite enjoyable.  Total comfort food.)

4.)  Yosef is a totally a budding foodie.  This boy LOVES food.  He gets genuinely EXCITED over what I make for dinner.  It is so cute and I love that I can always count on him to want seconds!  Makes a mama feel good!

5.)  I got my hair chopped off.  First haircut in a year and a half!  I've been going back and forth about it and finally, last Sunday, I made my decision.  So off to Great Clips I went.  And, it turned out better than the last time I went there for a cut.  (A year and a half ago.)  I'm still getting used to it and I think I'll like it even more as it gets a bit longer, but it works for now.

6.)  I've also finally come to the conclusion, after many years of going back and forth, that I definitely want a nose ring.  For real.  However, a certain someone who may or may not be married to me is not so keen on the idea.  But I think I've made some headway and am winning him over.  I used to want a tattoo as well, but I'm mostly over that.  I'd always thought it'd be cool to get an Ethiopian cross on my ankle or something.  But alas, I will leave the tattooing to others.  And just focus on the nose ring.

7.)  My fudge I attempted to make the other day was an utter and complete FAIL.  Not surprising, considering the fact that I had a one-year-old hanging on my pantleg the whole time AND I was multitasking.  AKA making dinner.  And so it got scorched.  So, so sad because I LOVE fudge and I'm not sure I have the gumption to try it again.  Maybe next year.  (And good thing I also made Russian Teacakes.  Because they are not a bad consolation prize!)


If you want to do your own 7 Quick Takes, go over to Conversion Diary and link up!


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