Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Of blogs and randomness

Oh my goodness, how has so much time passed since I last blogged?  I feel like this happens on a regular basis, and I think it's because I don't have a time of day where I commit to sitting down and writing.  And so it doesn't get done.  Hmmm, I should probably change that.

But even when I'm not writing, I'm reading.

Do you read many blogs?

I do.  Truth be told, it's one of the highlights of my day.  Staying in touch with dear friends in far-away-places, being inspired and challenged by amazing, creative, passionate people, learning new things.  All of it.  Amazing.

Some of my favorite posts are the ones that articulate or illuminate something that I've been thinking about lately.  That bring a new insight or dimension or clarity that I didn't have before.

And I love watching a journey unfold.  Be it an adoption, a move, a story, a challenge, a birth.

Blogging gives us a window into others' lives that we wouldn't otherwise have and of course allows us to do the same.  At its core, it is story-telling, and I am more than convinced that we all have a story.

And because I want to blog my story, yet really don't have any sort of blogpost to offer you today, and no fancy pictures or witty tales of life with five children, I'll just share some random randomness. 

Embrace the random, people.  You'll be much happier if you do.

--As some of you may or may not know (or care, ha!), my (Protestant) husband and (Protestant) I have been exploring Roman Catholic theology for the past few years.  Maybe that seems strange, but I've found that when you've believed certain things about God your entire life, eventually you become curious about the historicity of your faith.  (Or maybe that's just us.  And some of our friends.)  Where do these ideas come from?  Why did the church I grew up in teach these things, but my current church teaches these other things?  Why the great chasm between Protestants and Catholics?  Blah, blah, blah.  :)  Anyway, I don't know if you read Elizabeth Esther's blog (you should!), but this post she wrote about the crucifix is AMAZING.  It spoke to me this week and I think you'll like it too. 

--A dear friend of mine who is living in Ethiopia right now went and spent time with our girls yesterday.  (You can read more about our adoption here and here.)  And they are doing SO WELL.  As in, amazingly well.  As in, sweet M., who has struggled so very hard to walk, is now able to RUN.  And precious little T. is able to sit up now, nice and strong by herself, no Bumbo seat needed anymore thank-you-very-much.  M. is talking lots and laughing and singing, mainstreamed with the other kiddos.  T. is cuddly and smily and sounds oh so happy.  I cannot WAIT to meet these precious girls.  And I remain in awe of God's goodness, that some of our dearest friends are there during this excruciating wait to love on and visit our sweeties.  It has made all the difference.

--Mary is spending lots of time standing these days and is doing more walking here and there.  I think her unexplained delays may actually be explained by the fact that she just refuses to do anything she won't 100% excel at.  That, and she probably likes being babied by her four older siblings.  Who spoil her rotten.  Smart girl.

--I just finished up Henri J.M. Nouwen's In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership.  Oh my goodness, have you read Nouwen before?  He is FABULOUS.  Fab.u.lous.  This book (which is super short) offered so much insight into church issues and pastoral issues and really made me think about the model of ministry I've experienced lo these many years in Protestantism.  He makes some great points.  Many of which are applicable even if you're not in church leadership (which I am not.  Thank goodness.)  One thing that really struck me was his discussion of the temptation to be relevant.  I have a few other books by him that I am now so anxious to read.

Okay, I've broken my blogging fast.  Recorded more of my story.  With some random randomness.  Happy Tuesday!   


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