Friday, August 08, 2008


I just wanted to say that I have been so blessed by the amazing friends I have made here in Denver so far. (FYI it's tough moving away from your girlfriends and I miss California, and my life there, a lot.)

This is a picture from sweet little Ryan D.'s 4th birthday party a couple of weeks ago. In the background you can see me, Angela (Ryan's mommy), Jennifer, and Katie. We all have Ethiopian adoption in common, and we all live decently nearby. My kids love playing with their kids at playdates and sometimes we even have mommy nights! Yeah! (I "knew" Jennifer and Angela before we even moved to Denver, through blogging and email.)

The wonderful thing is that even if we didn't have the Ethiopia connection, I would want to be friends with these amazing ladies.
Kevin and me and Angela in the foreground. I'm making a dumb face.

Katie and JenniferJennifer, Greg and KevinDon and Katie

***I stole all these photos off Angela's blog.


Unknown said...

Yay! So fun!! So glad you all could make it! I know I had a great time, and I think Ryan did, too! Which is good...since it was HIS bday! :)

You are a great friend, and I'm SO glad you moved here!

joy said...

we miss you, but i'm so glad that you have great friends in your new hometown already. they are so lucky to have you!


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