Monday, February 19, 2007

Four ill Heldts

So I have apparently come down with a cold, as has Biniam (poor kid, he's so sick today!). Yosef and Anna are also under the weather. Let's hope these colds don't last very long! We'll be laying low today (much to Anna's dismay; she keeps asking to go to the park) and doing lots of cuddling and video watching. I have a "no more than one short video a day" rule around here for the kids but today may just be an exception--drastic times call for drastic measures!

(Today is my due date by the way, but still no sign that baby is coming. I have however been "nesting" like crazy. I wish I was always so eager to organize/clean!)


Samantha said...

I'll pray that you get over your cold before you go into labor! We have a, "No videos except on Saturdays," rule but since Bennett and I have been sick, it has been a free for all. I wish we had checked out more movies from the library last week than one Veggie Tales movie. I am getting sick of it!! I pray you all get well soon.

Rachel said...

We watch two 20 minute episodes of the Backyardigans most days. One after breakfast and again after nap. I think this will really help out with nursing when the baby comes. We'll see!

Brianna I really hope you get over this quickly. I was sick when I went into labor and it was no fun. Although I had more of a fever thing, but still! Rest up today!

Shana said...

Happy due day! Get as much rest as you can (as if that's possible with sick kids - or three healthy kids for that matter:)

Blessings to you! Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys are feeling better soon. Checking in to get an update about pea in the pod heldt. I'll keep checking. Our first son was through adoption but I found myself nesting like crazy too -- shamefully that urge left me no sooner than his plane landed on American soil!

Blessings and happy snuggling to you all. :)

Meagan Brown said...

I've been checking your blog more frequently now, wondering if Baby Heldt is here. Praying for a quick and smooth delivery for you!

And, so cool to hear that Biniam and Yosef are getting into using the potty. What a huge step! (Elias only likes to sit on the big toilet and grunt for a few seconds. I think we're a long way off from any actual action).


dillyweed said...

I woke up today with the stomach flu - fourth time in three months. Yeah, being sick is the pits. Big hugs.
Hope you all are feeling better there soon. And happy Due Day to you! (oh, and how'd they know when they made it a holiday??? hehe)

shell said...

guess i'll keep checking.....


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